Jack Rowe, Artist

Dad is an artist. He's still an artist at 96, though his eyes are letting him down a bit. It has occurred to me that I owe him some publicity. I have posted a FaceBook page for him, before, but it was years ago and, like so many of my projects, it stalled. Well, I'm on it again.

Today I revisited the FaceBook page at the suggestion of a FB "friend" (we've not met) who is very active in the art world. I've been uploading what I can easily find in my photos. Next, I'll have to shoot more of them.

Dad told me, yesterday, that his two remaining "pourings" really need to be made public. He's right. I've been hoarding one of them on my living room wall for decades. I love it. But the "Butterfly" needs to fly away and let the world see what Jack Rowe was capable of. He said that the manufacturer of the paint used by Dad, Morris Louis, and one other artist (was it Maurice Shapiro, I wonder?) stopped producing the combination of acrylic and oil after Louis's death and he, Dad, just wasn't a big enough customer. I love the connection. After checking the Morris Louis website, I see a lot of similarity, but I am partial to my father's work. Sorry, Morris. It's a darn shame that there are only two left. Dad had a horrible habit of cleaning up and hauling oh, too many of his works to the dump.
Butterfly by Jack Rowe
